Thursday, April 8, 2010


Amanda s /1 people in the civil war used trains, wagons, that helped people transport to where they are today and how they transported.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Amanda S /1 During the civil war people had wagons steamboats and even cars back then for transportation and I think they had ships back then too.The wagons were used for transporting on the railroads.
Cash S.
I learned allot from researching the civil war .I really did learn allot about the civil war transportation. They build briges for troop transport. Trains are used for troop and weapon transportation.
Kory s.

I learned alot about the civil war for example i learned that they fought in the sea during the civil war.Back then during the civil war they had alot of transportation for example they used trains to carry troops they used wagons for carrying food and supplies and weapons.The people that were responsible for transportation built bridges and roads to get wagons across.They had alot of transportation during the civil war.